Friday, March 13, 2009

The early bird...

Got a call at 7.30pm last Thursday from The Wall Street Journal, 14 hours later I was riding the River Postman Ferry up the Hawkesbury River shooting for their story.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Engineers and places

I've just completed a 5-day shoot for Hyder Consulting, an international engineering company. The brief as quite tight and required shots to be taken in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. This photograph was taken on the Gold Coast of an engineer inspecting the balconies of an apartment building. I had to improvise a bit as it had been raining all morning and the sky was very overcast. The brief called for clear sky in the shots but on this day it wasn't going to happen. I shot from the pool looking up using the wavy balconies as a background. The result is an engineer looking to ride a wave in a big concrete swell.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cyclists at Sydney Olympic Park

Whilst on a dawn shoot at Sydney Olympic Park last week I took this shot lying on the road whilst a group of about 80 cyclists whizzed past my ears. Needless to say, the warning shouts from the members of the peloton where peppered with numerous colourful expletives!

There are some other shots from the same shoot at my Sydney Photographer website

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Melbourne Tower

Shot from a recent shoot in Melbourne... I quite like the way the flag pole and lamp post interrupt the shot. There is a version without them in frame at Sydney Photographer.

Sydney at dawn

A tranquil and hazy dawn in Sydney.

What better place to start?